Rome Review, Judaism, Christianity, Fall of Rome

Hard Copy
Study Guide

1.       Why is the city of Rome strategically located in Italy and why is Italy strategically located in the Mediterranean?  Rome is 7 miles up from the sea on the Tiber River, halfway down the boot.  Italy is located in the middle of the Mediterranean.
2.      Rome is on the _____ River.   Tiber
3.      What did the Etruscans give to Roman civilization?  Arch, religion, alphabet
4.      What did the Latins give to Roman civilization?  Language (Latin)
5.      What did the Greeks give to Roman civilization?  Religion, education, art, architecture, philosophy, military tactics, etc
6.      Is Latin still used today?  By whom?   All Romance languages—French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italien
7.      Rome overthrew its _tyrants_____ and formed a __republic___________, which is a system of government where __people___________ select leaders.
8.      Rome had two __consuls________ who served for __1__ year/s.  Each could __veto___ any decision of the other.
9.      These men were much like our American __president__________
10.  Rome had two classes of citizens, ___patricians______________and _plebeians____________.  What type of people were in each class and who had more power?
11.  How did the middle class force the upper class to prove that all Roman citizens had equal rights? By making them post the Twelve Tables in the Roman Forum
12.  The law-making body in Rome was the _________________.  Senate
13.  The _____Gracchus_________ brothers represented the middle class as __Tribunes___
___________________.  What happened to them?  They were killed.
14.  Julius Caesar grew up during a time of ___political troubles__________ in Rome.
15.  Why was Julius Caesar able to get along so well with common people?  He grew up in the slums of Rome
16.  Give five things Julius Caesar did to make the people of the Republic and its provinces support him.  Gave land to landless farmers, created jobs for the poor, gave citizenship to people in the provinces, increased the pay of soldiers, increased the size of the Senate, mixed with the middle classes.
17.  Who opposed the rise of Julius Caesar?  The Senate and patricians who liked the Republic
18.  Julius Caesar was a brilliant __ general, historian_______________ in addition to being a great politician.
19.  Who was Caesar’s mistress in Egypt?  Why did she come to Caesar?  Cleopatra, She needed help overthrowing her brother
20.  Why was Julius Caesar ordered to report to Rome by the Senate?  Why was he told not to bring his army?  The Senate hoped to try him and either put him in prison or kill him
21.  What was his response to this order?  Why?  He came with his army.  It was either that or die.
22.  What is the importance of the Rubicon River?  It is the river that a general may not cross with his army.  If he does, he is guilty of treason and sentenced to death.
23.  What was Julius’s motto or war cry?  Veni, Vedi, Vici. 
24.  What did he say when he crossed the Rubicon?  The die is cast
25.  When he took power, he never called himself a dictator, but instead the ___________________.  First man in Rome
26.  What are some of the good things Caesar did as dictator?  See number 16
27.  Who plotted to kill him and why?  Some Senators who liked the Republic and thought he was a tyrant.
28.  What does Beware the Ides of March mean?  Fortune-teller said it to Caesar.  “Beware March 15”
29.  When is the Ides of March?  Year, month, day?  March 15, 44 BC
30.  What did Caesar’s killers think would happen after his death?  What actually happened?
31.  Who became Emperor after his death?  They thought they would be heroes.  The people were angry.  Octavian.
32.  How did the Romans govern those they conquered?  Did Rome bring them good things as well?   They governed them well but strictly.  Yes, water, peace, etc.
33.  What is paterfamilias?  What is gravitas?  Father is god in the family.  Strength, courage, loyalty.
34.  What was life like for a young Roman girl?  Married young.  Little education.  Parents pick husband.
35.  What was life like for a Roman slave?  Depends on the skill of the slave.
36.  Describe a Roman villa.  Two openings in room, for atrium and garden, rooms around side.
37.  Describe a Roman bath.  Three water temperatures, like a health club.
38.  What was it like to be a gladiator?  Slave.  Dangerous.  Could get famous.
39.  What was the Circus Maximus?  Describe the chariot races held there.  Place where chariot races were held.  Dangerous.  Four-horse chariots few rules.
40.  What was the Pax Romana? 200 year period of peace in Roman Empire
41.  Who was Octavian? What was his relationship to Julius Caesar?  Caesar’s adopted son.  He was actually his nephew.
42.  Why did many underestimate Octavian?  Because he was young.
43.  How did Octavian defeat Marc Antony?  Battle and by saying he was a bad Roman because he was with Cleopatra.
44.  What did Octavian do to Julius Caesar’s enemies?  Killed them
45.  As emperor, give four things Octavian, renamed Caesar Augustus, did to make the Roman Empire stronger.  Roads, silk road, common money, Pax Romana, bigger army
46.  Why would using a single money system help the Roman economy?  What was the Roman money system called? What is the modern example of countries combining their money systems?  Makes trade easier.  Denarius.  Makes trade and economy stronger.
47.  Why was Augustus proclaimed a god?  Because he was seen ascending into heaven.  Har har
48.  What did Augustus think about morality?  How did he prove he took his new laws seriously?  He was very moral.  He killed his own daughter.

Friday:  Test on Rome

Notebook Check Rubric
Lesson Name
1. Roman Geography
2. Birth of Roman Culture
3. Roman Republic Begins
4. Chapter Six Assessment
5. Julius Caesar's Rise to Power
6. Julius Caesar's Accomplishments
7. Roman Daily Life Skeleton Notes
8.  Augustus and Empire
9.  Rome Study Guide Notes #1-48

Flap Contents should include:
1. Course Description
2. Map of Europe
3. Map of Roman Empire
4. Study Guide on Rome

Should have seven and they must be complete sentences.

Monday and Tuesday, January 19 and 20
Martin Luther King, Jr. and the History of Civil Disobedience
Skeleton Notes

I.  Henry David Thoreau--civil disobedience philosopher
II.  Civil Disobedience---the act of peacefully disobeying what is considered an unjust law in order to draw attention to it.
III.  Gandhi--Indian leader who used civil disobedience to gain independence for India from England
      Watch Gandhi's great speech on civil disobedience 
IV.  Segregation--to keep the races seperated from each other
V.  "Jim Crow Laws"--laws passed in the South to keep the blacks segregated.  'Separate but Equal" facilities in schools, drinking fountains, etc.
VI.  Montgomery Bus Boycott--MLK's first big protest.  boycotted the Montgomery bus system until black riders could sit whereever.  Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to start it off.
VII.Freedom Riders--young white and black people who rode a Greyhound bus through the South to challenge integrated public facilities.  Were beaten and the bus was set on fire. Finished the trip under Army guard.
VIII.  March on Washington--1963.  Call for equality.  Martin Luther King's speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
IX.  The I Have a Dream Speech.  Watch it here

Wednesday, January 21 and Thursday, January 22

Judaism: The Religion of the Jews
Main Idea:  Judaism was the first great western monotheistic religion, and both Christianity and Islam come from it.

  • Monotheism--the belief in one god
  • Judaism--the religion of the Jewish people
  • Jew or Hebrew--a follower of Judaism.  Hebrew is also the language of the Jews.
  • Abraham--the father of the Jewish people.  Took the tribe of nomads from Iraq to Palestine
  • Isaac--Abraham's son, from whom the Jews are descended.
  • Ishmael--Abraham's son, from whom Muslims believe they are descended
  • Moses--led Jews out of Egypt.  Got Ten Commandments and Torah from God.
  • Ten Commandments--the ten main laws given to Moses
  • Torah--the first five books of the Law:  Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
  • Palestine--the land Jews believe was promised them by God.  Now called Israel.
  • Synagogue--a Jewish house of worship
Thursday and Friday, January 22-23

The Jews vs. Rome
Main Idea:  The Jews lived in Palestine, except for several eras of exile, from 1,000 BC until they were exiled by the Romans in the First Century.  They went to Europe and Russia, where they were treated badly.

Palestine--name of Jewish lands at time of Roman control
Jewish Rebellion--66-70 AD
Masada--mountain fortress where Jews made their last stand against Romans.
Romans Destroy Temple--70 AD
Diaspora--the scattering of the Jews out of Israel by Rome.  Began in 70 AD and continued for hundreds of years.  Most went to Europe and Russia.

Video Links:  Exodus Movie Trailer
                       Moses Gets Ten Commandments
                       Jews Reading Torah at Western Wall in Jerusalem
                       Inside a British conservative Synagogue
                       Virtual Reconstruction of the Roman Temple
                       1:50 Scale Model of Jerusalem at the time of Christ

Quiz Tuesday:  Here is the word wall with Vocab for the Quiz
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Henry David Thoreau
Civil Disobedience
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks
Jim Crow Laws
I Have a Dream Speech/March on Washington, 1963
Ten Commandments
Jewish Revolt
Destruction of Temple

Wednesday, January 28

The Beginnings of ChristianityFresco from 2 centuries after Mathetes.
Main Idea:  A Jew named Jesus claimed to bring a New Covenant to the people from God and claimed to be the Messiah.  Some believed, but he was crucified for treason in 30 BC.

  • Messiah-promised by Torah, the person who would come and save the Jews.
  • Jesus--Jew who claimed to be the Messiah and son of God.  Crucified by Rome.
  • Old Covenant--The laws of the Torah, all 613 of them, that the Jews had to follow, including making a blood sacrifice for forgiveness of sins so that God would protect them.
  • New Covenant--Jesus claimed to be the Messiah, and brought a New Covenant.  Instead of following all the laws, one had to believe in Jesus and he would be the blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins.
  • Apostles--close followers of Jesus
  • Crucifixion--the Roman form of execution for non-citizens.  Jesus was crucified for treason, claiming to be a king.
  • Resurrection-- the belief among Christians that after Jesus was killed, he rose from the dead after three days, appeared to his followers, and then rose up into heaven.
Thursday, January 29

The Rise of Christianity
Main Idea:  Christianity was at first illegal in the Roman Empire, but later because the official religion of the Empire, thanks to its message, good leaders, and supportive emperors.

  • Paul--Jew and Roman citizen who converted to Christianity and made four trips planting churches and spreading the Christian message.  Watch Paul's conversion in this video clip.
  • Peter--Jesus's right-hand man who led the church after the death of Jesus.  He had a vision saying Gentiles could become Christians and also that the 613 laws were no longer applicable
  • New Testament--The Christian part of the Bible, including the Gospels, Letters of Paul, and more
  • Gentile--a non-Jew.  Peter had a vision that non-Jews could become Christians, opening the religion up for fast growth.
  • Gospels--the first four books of the New Testament, that tell of the life of Jesus
  • Pope--leader of the church in Rome after it became the official religion.  The first pope was Peter, but he did not use that name.
  • Persecution--to mistreat someone for their beliefs.  Early on, Christians were tried, jailed, and executed for being Christians.
  • Fish--secret Christian symbol early Christians used to identify each other
  • Catacombs--underground tombs where the Christians would go and worship in secret 
  • Reasons People Were attracted to Christianity--   
    • all people are equal
    • gave hope to the powerless
    • morals in an immoral society
    • offered a loving personal relationship with God
    • eternal life/heaven                 
Friday, January 31

The Early Christian Church: Beliefs and Hierarchy
Main Idea:  The developed a hierarchy, a set of beliefs, and a set of scriptures over the first four hundred years.
  • Beliefs:   
    • Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God.  Believe in him and be saved.
    • Christians must be baptized to reach eternal life.
  • Scriptures
    • Old Testament--Torah, Other Books of the Jews
    • New Testament
      • Gospels--first four books, tell of Jesus's life
      • Paul's Letters---tell early churches how to live
      • Revelation--end of the world prophecy
  • Church Hierarchy
    • Pope
    • Cardinal
    • Bishop
    • Priest---Nun----Monk
    • Follower
  • Excellent Video on Early Christian Church.
  • Worksheet on the Early Christian Church reproduced below.  

Monday, February 2
Finish going over Guided Reading

Tuesday, February 3

The Empire Splits and So Does the Church
Main Idea:  The Roman Empire was split in two due to its large size, with two capitals, and two different religions developed in the West and the East.

* Diocletian--Roman Emperor who split the Empire into a Latin-Speaking Western half and a Greek-speaking Eastern half in 285 AD.
* Rome--the capital of the Western Roman Empire
*Byzantium-renamed Constantinople---capital of the Eastern Roman Empire
* West falls in 476, East lasts another 1,000 years.
* Constantinople--high walls, surrounded mostly by water, hard to conquer.
Constantinople becomes the center of learning for 900 years.
* Justinian Code--Emperor takes 400 years of Roman laws and makes a single law book with 5,000 laws.  Used for 900 years.
Hagia Sophia--magnificent church in Constantinople
Eastern Orthodox Church--converts the Slavs in E. Europe and Russia
Cyrillic Alphabet---part Greek, part Turkish, still used in Russia
**Church splits over Icons--sacred images
*Excommunication--to be kicked out of the church

Differences Between Roman and Eastern Orthodox Churches

Roman Catholic                                                     Eastern Orthodox
1.  services in Latin                                                1. services in Greek or native language of area
2. Pope is head of church                                       2. Patriarch is head of church
3. Pope is above king                                             3. King is above patriarch
4. Priests may not marry                                         4.  Priests may marry
5. Divorce not allowed                                            5. Divorce allowed

Recommended Videos to Watch if you are gone:
A tour of the Vatican City
The Hagia Sofia
3-D Computer Graphic Hagia Sofia

Wednesday, February 4

The Fall of Rome

Main Idea:  The fall of Rome had many causes.  The West fell in 476 AD while the East last another 1,000 years.

*Inflation--a period of rapidly-rising prices
*Mercenary--a paid, foreign soldier who fights for money, not patriotism
*Attila the Hun-leader of the Huns, an Asian tribe who invaded Europe
*Germanic Tribes--tribes north of Rome who were pushed into Rome by the Huns and other reasons

Causes of Fall of Rome
1. Drain of gold and silver out of Empire
2. Inflation
3. Higher taxes
4. Used-up soil
5. Disease
6. Barbarian Attack
7. Christianity
8. Mercenaries/Lack of Patriotism
9. Moral Decline
10.  Corruption

Friday, February 6

Greco-Roman Legacy

Main Idea:  We learned a lot from Ancient Greece, but a lot of what we know also came from Rome.
*Legacy--something someone or a group leaves behind after death.
*Classical Civilization--the civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome combined.   Also called Greco-Roman.

*Roman Achievements
    1.  The Latin Language--basis for Romance languages and many English words as well.  The                    language of science, medicine and law.
    2.  Architecture, Engineering and Technology--arch, dome, concrete, aqueducts, road system
         ---all classical architecture copies Greco-Roman architecture, especially government buildings
             and monuments.
    3.  Roman Law---our law based on it.  Equal treatment, innocent till proven guilty, burden of proof          on accuser.
    4. Art and Architecture---bas-relief- 3-D image on flat surface
 ---fresco---painting done on wet plaster
                                         ---mosaic--picture made from tiles
    5.  Learning--great historians like Tacitus, great stories like Aeneid.
    6.  Christianity---largest world religion

Study Guide for Wednesday, February 11 Test 
Fall of Rome/Legacy of Rome/Byzantine Empire

  1. At the time of Christ, what was the area where Jesus was born called?  Who controlled it?
  2. The Jews were predicting a Messiah.  What was the Messiah?  Why did they reject Jesus?
  3. What happened to the Jews in Palestine after they revolted?  Know the term for the spreading of the Jews on the surface of the earth after Rome defeated them.__________________________Where did they go?________
  4. What is the importance of Paul in the story of Christianity?
  5. How did Paul convert to Christianity?  What religion was he before his conversion?
  6. Give three reasons Christianity appealed to many Romans.
  7. Why were the Christians persecuted in the Roman Empire?
  8. What was the importance of Constantine to the growth of the Christian Church?
  9. What was the importance of the Battle of Milvian Bridge?
  10. Who led the early Christian church?
  11. The early Christian church was based in _____________.
  12. The first four books of the New Testament that tell of the life of Jesus are called the _______________.
  13. Paul traveled ________________ miles on foot to spread Christianity.
  14. How did Roman roads and Paul’s being a Roman citizen help Christianity spread?
  15. Why were Christians persecuted (mistreated) in the Roman Empire?
  16. Where did persecuted Christians worship to avoid capture?
  17. What was the Christian secret symbol?  Why?
  18. What was Constantine’s symbol?  Why?
  19. Why did Rome fall?  Give five reasons.
  20. What is a mercenary?
  21. What is inflation?
  22. Where did Constantine move his capital?
  23. Why did many Germanic tribes begin to pressure the Roman Empire?
  24. Who were the Huns?  How did they create the Germanic attacks on Rome?
  25. Who was Attila the Hun?
  26. Rome went from a city of __________ to a city of _____________.
  27. What is Classical Civilization?  What two cultures make up this civilization?
  28. What is a bas-relief?
  29. What is a mosaic?
  30. What is a fresco?
  31. Why is Latin an important contribution to Western Civilization?
  32. Give two important Roman accomplishments in architecture.
  33. Give two accomplishments in engineering.
  34. Give one idea from Roman law that we use in our law system in the US today.
  35. Know differences between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church on these issues:  leader, power of leader, rules for priests and divorce, language of services.
  36. What is excommunication and how could it be used by the Pope for control of other people?
  37. _______________ split the Roman Empire into _____________ and _____________ , the first of which spoke ______________ and the second of which spoke ___________________.
  38. What is the name of the cathedral in Istanbul that was the greatest church of the Eastern Empire.
  39. What written language did the Eastern Orthodox use?  Where did they spread this writing system?
  40. Who converted the Slavs to Christianity? 
  41. Why did Constantinople hold out for 1,000 years after the fall of Rome in the West?
  42. The Church split in two over the issue of _______________, which were statues or pictures used in worship.
  43. What is the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church?
  44. Constantinople was originally called __________________, which is why the Eastern Empire is sometimes called the ____________________ Empire.  After the city fell to the Turks, it was renamed ____________________ and is located in the modern nation of ____________________________.
  45. T/F--   Jesus was a Jew
  46. T/F--   Christians believe you must follow the Torah
  47. T/F--   Jews believe the Messiah has not come
  48. T/F--   Jesus is considered to be a blood sacrifice by Christians that washes away the laws of the Old Covenant.
  49. T/F--  The Hagia Sofia is now a Muslim mosque.
  50. T/F--   Priests can marry in the Roman Catholic Church
  51. T/F --  The Roman Catholic Pope could excommunicate kings.
  52. T/F--- Inflation is when prices go down rapidly.

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